
Post 11 PEI's Controversial Entrepreneur Streams Terminated
PEI’s Controversial Entrepreneur Streams Terminated

PEI Eliminating Two of Its Entrepreneur Streams

Effective September 20, 2018, Prince Edward Island will no longer accept applications under 100% ownership and partial ownership streams. The Economic Development and Tourism Minister declared on September 12, 2018 that the government’s decision to close these two streams would serve the best interests of the province. He also emphasized the ne…

Post 10 pic. CBI Programs Intertwined with Countries_ Development
CBI Programs Intertwined with Countries’ Development

CBI Programs Are Changing the Lives of Citizens

The citizenship by investment program, which grants second citizenship in return for qualifying investment, has produced positive effects on the economies of participating nations while opening the door for endless opportunities (including higher standard of living, tax planning, business flexibility and so forth) to investors.

The mutually ben…

Post 9 St. Kitts & Nevis Impoving Its CBI Program
St. Kitts & Nevis Impoving Its CBI Program

Saint Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Program Becomes More Investor-Friendly

With the Hurricane Relief Fund coming to an end in March 2018 and its considerable success in meeting the expectations, the government of Saint Kitts and Nevis has added two other options to its well-regarded citizenship by investment program.

The Sustainable Growth Fund intended to benefit sectors such a…

Post 8 pic. Amendments to the Greece Residency
Amendments to the Greece Residency

Will the Greek Golden Visa Program Witness Changes?

Greece’s Migration Policy Ministry has declared its intention to expand the golden visa program following a trend similar to that of many countries looking to attract foreign investment. Since its inception in 2013, the golden visa program has raised more than 1.5 billion Euros in foreign investment leading to the issuance of 5,000 visas to …

Iranians' Exclusion From Saint Lucia's CBI Program
Iranians’ Exclusion From Saint Lucia’s CBI Program

Iranian Citizens Are No Longer Eligible for Saint Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment SchemeSaint Lucia’s citizenship by investment program launched in 2015 following the passage of the Citizenship by Investment Act grants economic citizenship to foreign investors who invest in the country. Until recently, Iranian nationals could proceed with their applications for Saint Lucia’s citizenship by…

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