Changes in Antigua and Barbuda’s CBI

Recent Updates to Antigua and Barbuda’s Citizenship by Investment Program

Antigua and Barbuda grants easy and instant citizenship in exchange for reasonable investment in the country without the need to relinquish your home country citizenship (However, your home country may not allow dual citizenship). The comfort of visa-free travel to 132 countries coupled with the advantage of enjoying certain privileges in the UK and other commonwealth countries (as Antigua and Barbuda is part of the Commonwealth) make Antigua and Barbuda a perfect destination for second citizenship.

The country’s highly popular citizenship by investment program has recently witnessed some changes. One of these changes pertain to the real estate investment option applicants can opt for. Applicants are generally required to invest the minimum amount of $400,000 in pre-approved real estate. However, the government has recently introduced a limited time offer. Under this option, should two applicants wish to make joint investments, they can invest in real estate worth at least $400,000 with each applicant contributing $200,000. The investment amount still remains at $400,000 with the difference that applicants have the alternative to split the minimum investment amount. You can thus obtain Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship for half the price while being entitled to the same opportunities, rights and privileges of this country’s citizenship. The offer became effective on May 1, 2018 and is set to expire on October 31, 2018.

Antigua and Barbuda’s cabinet has also alleged that a fourth investment option (three options currently exist) would be made available soon. The fourth option enables investors to make a contribution of $150,000 to the five islands university campus.

Removal of the requirement to pay additional due diligence fees at the time of passport renewal, reduction of the eligibility age for dependent parents from 65 to 58 and waiver of 5-days a year physical residence requirement for minor dependents are the other key changes to Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program.

Please bear in mind that nationals of countries including Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia, Yemen and Sudan are excluded from benefitting from Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship by investment program unless they migrated before the age of majority and/or have maintained permanent residence in Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates for a period not less than 10 years and maintain no economic ties with any of the restricted countries.

If you are attracted to Antigua and Barbuda’s lenient citizenship by investment program and do not want to miss the limited time offer, contact us at and we are ready to help you get started on the road to Antigua and Barbuda’s citizenship.

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Posted on June 25th, 2018 | Antigua and Barbuda

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